Although we didn’t see any fireworks on the 4th of July, the sunset alone was worth the price of admission.
I’m back from another 3-day jaunt. We dropped from 8,000′ to sea level, with a day in between in the hot zone (temps reached 100+) to collect our thoughts and re-supply. The weather on the coast was as temperate as it was in the high country, and while the drive took just as long, the roads were much better. 😉
We combed the beach at low tide and picked up a few fun sea glass treasures (note my treasured blue glass find).
We explored a bit of the coast from the Piedras Blancas light station to Morro Bay.
Don, Paul (my hubby) and Dave Salonen with Morro Rock in the background.
Along the way, we learned all sort of interesting facts from the docents at a favorite beach of elephant seals. Odd beasts. Although there was a lot of posturing from young males, the true alphas won’t arrive until mid-August.
It was a relaxing few days. There’s truly nothing quite like the ocean to lower blood pressure and infuse a sense of R&R for me. I also read this fascinating and informative book that seemed perfect for this setting.
The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness by Sy Montgomery.
Have a wonderful weekend!
BTW, I’m so happy to see such marvelous reviews for my newly released PRINCE CHARMING UNDERCOVER. It’s available at all vendors and will be in print soon. Thanks for reading!