Receiving a shipment of your latest title in PRINT never gets old.
Sharing that with the next generation of readers–and maybe writers–makes it even better.
Here’s a video of me and two of my granddaughters “unboxing” a shipment of print copies of MEET ME IN MONTANA–Book II in the Property Sisters of Montana series.
Meet Me In Montana – Property Sisters of Montana Book II – is now available in all markets.
Trust me, this never gets old!
She’s looking at her big picture…in Montana
Who swaps a golden parachute in the Bay Area for a share in a Montana thrift store and pipe dream flipping homes with her two sisters? Ambitious former investment rep Amber McCall who’s never abandoned her dream of a career in design. After working as an apprentice under Trey Brandel to stage the Property Sisters’ first project, Amber wants it all – creative career, babies, and forever love with the man of her dreams. Only Mr. Right has one foot out the door.
His sights are set on his dream job…in the Big Apple
Magazine editor and skilled designer Trey Brandel finally has it all – a job at his father’s prestigious art and design magazine, a chance to reconnect with the man he barely knows, and the “big city life” he missed since his parents divorced. His time in Montana was temporary – helping his mom recover – but Amber is impossible to forget.
Is he making the worst mistake of his life by walking away?
Please join me for a short, but action-packed “Release Party” at the Tule BookClub Facebook group on St. Patty’s Day at 3:00 (Pacific). There will be door prizes. I can’t wait to share my new book: MONTANA BLUEPRINT FOR LOVE – Book I in the Property Sisters of Montana series.
Is she restoring “this old house” or reimagining her future with the man she left behind? Available at all vendors 3/17/2020!