Finally Friday: Good things come in 3s.
Good things come in 3s, right?
#1 – Happy 12th birthday, Rya Grace!

I’m picking her up early for our traditional celebration: lunch, movie and shopping. Today, we’re seeing A WRINKLE IN TIME. I’ve been hesitant to see it for fear it will not live up to my memory of the book, but Rya hasn’t read the book and we’ve heard good things about the movie so that’s her pick.
Have you seen it? What’s your favorite book-to-movie pairing? I’m curious. None come to mind at the moment.
#2 – Happy Mother’s Day
And by “Mother” I mean every person with a loving heart who cares for the “littles”–be they babies, toddlers, teens, puppies, kittens or other critters. We Mothers mother even when our babies are older than we were when we had them. We nurture, nurse, hug and hold them from first breath to, hopefully, our last breath. Give yourself a moment to appreciate what an important role you have played in your loved ones’ lives. That, to me, is what Mother’s Day is all about.
# 3 – treat yourself–and MOM–to a free book!

I am so blessed to be part of a great publishing team: Tule Publishing. Although it came right down to the wire, my editor, staff and Tule Reader’s Group came through to get the price changed on Amazon from $3.99 to FREE on my book, HER REBEL TO KISS, in time to make our BookBub deadline. #nailbiter #thankyouAmazonforthenewgrayinmyhair
If you’ve already downloaded REBEL, you know you can gift it to your MOM, right? Or splurge and buy her the complete series–3 books for the price of 2!
Life is interesting, isn’t it? I hope you have a great weekend and don’t forget to Hug A Mother.
Finally Friday: It’s May already? Seriously?
Don’t get me wrong. May is a great month. It provides a lot to celebrate:
1. The birthday of my second born granddaughter. (Next Friday, she and I will be shopping, getting nails done and going to lunch. Photo op!!)

2. My late mother’s birthday. She’s been gone almost ten years, but I still miss her.

3. Mother’s Day – since my mom is gone, I celebrate the amazing women in my life who are currently busy raising great kids.
4. The release of the final book in the West Coast Happily-Ever-After series.

Yup, I love May. I’m just not ready for it to be the fifth month of a year that is zooming by too fast. Are you? Any suggestions on how to stay present and not fret about time passing by too fast?