Finally FRIDAY: December is upon us…oh, my!

Where did November go? I blinked and it was gone. I’m “blaming” BookBub for the exciting, and, at times, grueling promotion frenzy that has occupied my every waking–and, unfortunately, too many non-waking–moments.

Thanks for the memories, BookBub! It’s been a wild ride!

Happily, the effort has been worth it. Every day, I get a report from BookTrkr telling me how many of my books have sold–or been downloaded–and WHERE.

Here’s a recent day’s country list:

Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Norway, Argentina, New Zealand, Ireland, Australia, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Slovakia, Germany, Mexico & France.

Wow! Right?!

I decided to keep the sale price of FREE through December 15 because…I honestly don’t remember why. LOL. If I’d known it was this much work, I probably would have ended it today. Sigh. But, I am happy–really happy–about getting this book in the hands of readers around the world.

Now, about this whole December thing…how many gifts have you bought?

If you say you’re done with your shopping, I’m sorry, but we are no longer friends. (Kidding. I admire you. Really. But I hate you, too. 😉 Just a bit.)

I am very behind, but here’s one thing I just realized: I’ve become an online shopper.

I didn’t mean to, but I was in Target last week and nearly had a panic attack. So many people. Long lines. Strangers coughing. Too warm (germs flourish in a warm environment, right?).

Since then, I’ve purchased half a dozen gifts from the comfort and cleanliness of my couch.

Are you a brick and mortar shopper or an online shopper? Really curious.


Finally Friday: #Reviewersrock

Face it, writing can be a very insular profession.

You write, edit, publish, repeat. Sometimes, you get so caught up in the creative process you forget that real people will pick up your book and read it. And…gulp…leave their thoughts about it in a review.

The wonder happens when a reader connects with a story on the same level that grabbed you, the author, while you were writing it…and then shares her thoughts in a review. To paraphrase Sally Field, “She gets it, she really gets it.” Wow! What a feeling!

Because this doesn’t always happen, I can’t help but celebrate when it does. Here’s a Goodreads review from a reader named, Maria.

Maria’s Reviews > That Cowboy’s Forever Famly

That Cowboy's Forever Famly by Debra Salonen

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5 of 5 stars
That Cowboy’s Forever Famly (West Coast Happily-Ever-After Book 6) 

Debra Salonen(Goodreads Author)

F 50x66

Maria‘s review

Apr 12, 2018
it was amazing


That Cowboy’s forever family is a sweet, heartwarming book that entertains, moves, and leaves the reader with a wonderful sense of hope and trust.
The plot is rich with lively characters and a myriad of different situations, as well as plenty of beautiful cameo episodes. It has a well paced narration that keeps the reader entertained and interested throughout the book until the very last page.
Even though this is a highly emotional story, the author masterfully avoids excessive drama. Instead, the character’s feelings, personalities and emotions are explored with a rational and balanced approach.
Tom, the protagonist, is an amazing character. Abandoned by his wife while she was pregnant with their second child, he has managed to overcome his betrayal and loss, maturing into a balanced, generous and loving individual. When he suddenly becomes solely responsible for his two daughters, he dedicates all his efforts into being a nurturing full time father for them. His readiness to overhaul his entire life for the sake of his children, his capability to overcome his pride, accepting help and embracing change, encouraging dialogue, his strains to make his daughters feel secure and loved, give life to a beautifully engaging story.
Abby, the female heroine, travels an emotional journey of her own. She is going through ia moment of change, and has an instinctive understanding that she needs to step up her life, break the status quo and fight for what she really wants. Obviously easier said than done, until Tom’s love and moral integrity give her the final push towards self realisation.
Angela and Heather, Tom’s daughters, are well described, lively characters. The first one almost excessively portrays a typical teenager, abruptly thrown towards adulthood by the circumstances of her life. Her emotional evolution is heartfelt and very credible. Heather is sweet and funny. Dealing with her grieving process is a completely different challenge for Tom. His efforts to be a parent to an angry teenager and at the same time heal his little girl’s soul give life to some of the best pages of the book.
The plot is also filled with many other side characters, all of them well depicted and giving an essential contribution to the story.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book. Opinions and comments are solely my own.

Is that a great way to start the weekend or what? I’m so inspired, I’m sitting down with my Kindle and writing reviews for the last three books that I read–and neglected to review. My hope is one author will read one of my reviews and feel appreciated. Believe me, it’s a great feeling!!!

Happy reading, my friends,


PS: Here’s the link to That Cowboy’s Forever Family, in case Maria’s review inspired you: BOOKS2READ.